You might have seen the news that Historic Environment Scotland (HES) are going to be re-opening some sites across Scotland at the end of the month.
Here in Orkney most of the unstaffed sites will remain closed for now. To help HES get a view about the interest in re-opening more sites, and how safe people would feel about using them, we created a short survey.
Thanks to the 294 people who took the time to comment on our survey. It’s clear from the responses that there is an overwhelming feeling that these unstaffed sites should be reopened, and the vast majority of people feel that it would be safe to visit, taking the sensible precautions that we are all now very used to taking.
David and Julie, from the OAS Board, are meeting with HES on 6th May to talk about these results in more detail. We’ll keep you posted, but in the meantime if you have any further comments you’d like us to pick up please email